Was laid off in March 1839, being taken from the north end of Brown, and contained the following territory: all of Townships 14 North and 15 North, Range 2 East, except one tier of sections from the east side of each. In 1848 Township 15 North was thrown into Mercer County.
In 1835, Aaron Ireland settled on land now owned by John Hageman in Section 34. His brother Ephraim came at the same time. Among the earlier settlers of the township were, also, John Robbins, Thomas Potter, Francis Jenkinson, George Riegel and his sons John, David, Jacob, and Jonathan, and James Cochran, who was the first Justice of the Peace in the township.
The first schoolhouse was built in 1840, on land now owned by Joseph Bingham in Section 30. There are now eight schoolhouses, and 320 schoolchildren—167 male and 158 female.
The first church building was erected by the Methodists in 1854, on the line between Sections 29 and 32. About half a mile west of this is a Lutheran church, the only other one in the township.
Rossville was laid out in 1868 by John G. Ross.
The entire population of the township by the census of 1870 was 781—745 native and 36 foreign born. There are 54¾ miles of road in the township, 13¼ of which are pike.
Darke County History 1875 Atlas of Darke County, Ohio transcribed by Tom Midlam December 2000
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